Compliance Policies
Woodina is dedicated to upholding your privacy and protecting your personal information. We are bound in Australia by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and its associated Australian Privacy Principles, along with any other applicable privacy laws and codes, when collecting, using, disclosing, holding, handling, and transferring any personal information. Where practical and legally permissible to do so, you have the option of providing information to us and dealing with us anonymously or by using a pseudonym.
Woodina has ongoing practices, procedures, and systems in place to ensure that we manage personal information in an open and transparent way.
Further information about these practices, procedures, and systems is contained in our Privacy Policy. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time.
Any updates can be accessed via our website or by contacting our office to request a hard copy be sent to you (which will be provided at no cost). We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy so that you will be aware of our privacy practices. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 31 January 2023.
Using and Disclosing Your Personal Information
How can your personal information be used? We will generally only use and disclose your personal information for the purpose which it was collected. Any related purpose that you would reasonably expect us to use or disclose it for, or as permitted under this Privacy Policy or under law. Woodina has a duty to maintain the confidentiality of its client’s information unless disclosure is permitted with your consent or compelled under law. Your information may be used for the following purposes:
to provide information, products, or services you requested;
to determine your eligibility and process applications for products and services that you have requested;
to provide information and services as requested by clients;
to understand and assess your ongoing needs and offer products and services to meet those needs;
to carry out client communication, service, billing, and administration;
to administer claims;
to conduct data analysis;
to obtain and update credit information with appropriate third parties, such as credit reporting agencies, where transactions are made on credit;
to execute monitoring and training;
to develop new services;
to market products and services, and;
to conduct processing necessary to fulfill other contractual obligations for the individual. We will only use and disclose your sensitive information for the purpose it was collected or for any other directly related purpose that you would reasonably expect us to use it for. With your consent, we may use or disclose your information for additional purposes from time to time.
Who can access your personal information?
We may disclose your information to other companies who provide capacity or services to us and the following affiliates or third-party service providers to assist us in providing, managing, and administering our services and products:
insurance services and insurance products;
business partners, including insurers, reinsurers, insurance agents, insurance brokers, other insurance intermediaries, insurance reference bureaus, medical service providers, fraud detection agencies, other advisors such as loss adjusters, lawyers, auditors, and accountants, and others involved in the claim handling process;
banking and finance products;
business partners, including credit and fraud reporting agencies, debt collection agencies, insurers, and reinsurers;
any Authorised Representatives;
authorised service providers;
external IT service providers;
Infrastructure and other third parties where required by law.
Can your information be used for direct marketing?
As indicated above, unless you notify us otherwise, we may use your personal information to let you know about products and services from Woodina or our affiliates and business partners that we think may be of interest to you. You can choose not to receive this information from us (including product or service offerings from us on behalf of our affiliates and business partners) or related bodies. You can do this by contacting our Privacy Officer, or your Woodina representative.
Privacy Policy
Where to find assistance?
National Debt Helpline 1800 007 007 - Free service to assist people experiencing financial difficulty
Lifeline 131 114 - 24/7 counselling and referral service for people in a crisis situation
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 - 24/7 support for people experiencing anxiety or depression.
In an emergency, always call 000.
For additional resources, please see the following websites:
Assistance Resources
Woodina strives to comply with the provisions of the General Insurance Code of Practice.
We aim to provide the utmost level of service to our policyholders.
If you do have a complaint, please contact us to request a copy of our procedures outlining further options that are available to you should you wish to register your complaint.
For further information on the General Insurance Code of Practice, please feel free to download the latest version of the General Insurance Code of Practice at www.codeofpractice.com.au.
Code of Practice
Contact our privacy officer at info@woodina.com.au.
Phone: 07 3222 9400
Privacy Officer
We are committed to managing customers who are experiencing family violence or financial abuse with empathy, sensitivity, and the utmost consideration for the customer’s security and individual financial circumstances.
We recognise that family violence and financial abuse are serious and prevalent occurrences in Australian society. Furthermore, we aim to provide impacted customers with entitlements to safe, supportive, timely, and flexible assistance.
In Australian Law, “family violence” is defined as: “violent, threatening or other behaviour by a person that coerces or controls a member of the person’s family…. or causes the family member to be fearful” (Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), section 4AB).
Family Violence means more than physical violence. It includes emotional abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, financial or economic abuse, and damage to property.
“Customer” means an individual insured, a third-party beneficiary, a potential customer or an individual we are seeking to recover money from.
Section 92 of the General Insurance Code of Practice described a person’s vulnerability may be due to a range of factors such as: a. age; b. disability; c. mental health conditions; d. physical health conditions; e. family violence; f. language barriers; g. literacy barriers; h. cultural background; i. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status; j. remote location; or k. financial distress.
Private and Confidential Information
We are committed to the security of our customer’s personal information and will engage with them to determine their preferred methods of communication. We will minimise the need for customers to repeat disclosure. Furthermore, we offer to speak to a customer’s support person, such as a financial or legal counsellor, their Insurance Broker, or anyone else they may deem appropriate. We require the customer’s permission to talk to their support person, so if they wish to have them act on their behalf, they will need to provide us with a written “Letter of Authority”.
We provide appropriate training to all our staff and service suppliers who:
Engage with customers;
Are managers of staff who engage with customers, and who are responsible for this engagement;
Are responsible for the development of products, processes, and systems.
Our training considers the nature of the consequences of family violence and financial abuse, how to identify the signs of family violence or financial abuse, how to engage effectively and appropriately with affected customers, and how to apply this policy. We review and update our training regularly and as required.
Financial Hardship Assistance
We understand that financial difficulty can impact anyone. We believe in treating our customers with respect, and empathy and in a non-judgemental manner. Furthermore, we understand that our customer’s circumstances are unique, and we work with them to identify the type of assistance that best suits their situation.
In addition to the Code’s existing requirements about Financial Hardship, we will fast-track the financial hardship request and provide options for the customer to retain their policy if they say they cannot pay their premium.
Our designated Financial Hardship Officer can be contacted at
Email info@woodina.com.au or call at 07 3222 9400.
Domestic and Financial Abuse Policy
Financial Hardship refers to a circumstance where the individual has or may have difficulty meeting their financial obligations to us or an insurer. Financial Hardship may be due to (but is not limited to) unemployment, divorce, or breakdown of a de facto relationship, death or serious injury of a spouse or dependant, serious injury or illness of the policyholder.
Who is entitled to support?
We encourage all customers experiencing financial hardship to contact us to discuss their circumstances. Depending on their circumstances, examples of the kind of situations where customers may be entitled to support include (but may not be limited to) the following:
an individual insured or a third-party beneficiary who owes the insurer money — including an excess — under an insurance policy issued by the insurer;
a customer experiencing difficulty in making premium repayments;
an individual that the insurer is seeking to recover money from because the insurer believes such an individual caused damage or loss to either an individual insured or a third-party beneficiary it covers under an insurance policy; and
a customer making a claim under their policy due to an event that has caused them to also be in Financial Hardship and urgent financial need of the benefits they are entitled to under their policy.
Support does not include support with paying the premiums under an insurance policy issued by the insurer.
How does Woodina manage Financial Hardship?
We understand that financial difficulty can affect anyone. We believe in treating our customers with respect, and empathy and in a non-judgmental manner. Furthermore, we understand that our customer’s circumstances are unique, and we will work with them to identify the type of assistance that best suits their situation. In addition to the General Insurance Code of Practice’s existing requirements about Financial Hardship, we will fast-track the financial hardship request and provide options for the customer to retain their policy if they say they cannot pay their premium.
Financial Assistance
The NRS can assist if you have trouble hearing or speaking over the phone, and can help you if you are hearing impaired. Follow
https://www.accesshub.gov.au/about-the-nrs to learn more.Where possible, we will provide access to an interpreter if you ask us to, or if we need an interpreter to communicate effectively with you. We will record if an interpreter is used, or if there are reasons we are unable to arrange one. We will arrange relevant training for our employees who are likely to be involved in communications requiring an interpreter.
In addition, we have provided the following information along with links that may be useful to you if you have a language barrier.
Disability Gateway Services
The Disability Gateway is a government initiative that has information and services to help people with disability, their families, friends, and carers, to find the support they require in Australia. Full details on the DGS are available from their website at: https://www.disabilitygateway.gov.au/.
The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)
This is an interpreting service provided by the government for people who do not speak English, and for businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients. TIS National provides both immediate, pre-booked, and onsite interpreting services. The TIS National immediate phone interpreting service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the cost of a local call for any person or organisation in Australia who needs an interpreter. Details on the TIS National are available from their website: www.tisnational.gov.au.
Interpreter Services
Woodina aims to always provide the highest quality of service to our customers, but we recognise that complaints may arise as part of the normal course of business. Understanding and acting on the cause of complaints can provide Woodina with an opportunity to improve the service we provide.
We ask that you refer any complaint, including any supporting information to:
Email: info@woodina.com.au
In writing at: Complaints Officer,
Woodina Underwriting Agency,
GPO Box 3133
Brisbane QLD 4000Once we receive your correspondence, we will contact you within 24 hours and provided further details about the complaints process. The matter will be handled by the Complaints Officer through our internal complaints and disputes facility, or alternatively it will be referred to your Insurer (i.e. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s).
Further information about the Lloyd’s IDR process can be found here Flyer (lloyds.com).
Woodina is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) and you have the right to refer the matter to them at any time. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction within 30 calendar days of the date on which you first made the complaint to us, AFCA may review it, subject to its Rules. AFCA’s contact details are:
Telephone: 1800 931 678
Email: info@afca.org.au
Post: Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001Please note that your complaint must be referred to AFCA within 2 years of the final decision, unless AFCA considers special circumstances apply. If your complaint is not eligible for consideration by AFCA, you may be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service (UK) or seek independent legal advice.
The facilities offered by AFCA in the event of a dispute are a free service to you.
Complaints Procedure